It’s never okay


So the reason I decided to pick up the blog post again today was because something happened that I just couldn’t handle again. As I said in my previous post it’s not like nothing has happened but every once in while and it just crosses that line.

We had to put our dog to sleep last week. Last. Week. Immediately after, he was talking about getting a new puppy which I was adamantly against because I knew it would end up being me waking up with the puppy, feeding the puppy, cleaning up after the puppy, etc.

Well, two days later he went and bought a very expensive puppy. She is cute and she is smart but our priorities are not in the same place. I’ve explained in another post how much we need different things that just cost too much money and here he is spending thousands of dollars on his hot rod in the back and a new puppy.

He took good care of her for two days and then it shifted to be coming my responsibility. And when I brought it up to him he stated he thought our other dog (who is afraid of the puppy) was going to hurt her if we left her outside with him. So when I brought up that I felt like I was the one taking care of her when I was the one who said I didn’t want this right now his answer was to either just leave her in her shit her put her outside and kill the other dog if he touched her.

Meanwhile he’s texting and talking to his friends and family about how he has already potty trained her and exaggerating how the other dogs react to her.

We got her I think on Tuesday by Thursday it had become my responsibility. It’s now Saturday and when she was crying at 6 o’clock in the morning to go outside it with me who woke up from down the hallway in the room with the door closed to put her outside. Yet he was sleeping in the room right next to her. After I put her outside I want to try to go back to sleep and at about 7:30 she was barking to come back inside. again I was the one to wake up and let her inside at which point I also gave her food and water and shut her in the kennel so that I could go back to sleep. Not even 60 seconds after I had lay down again I hear him putting her outside.

I walked out there and calmly told him that I had already let her outside for an hour and her just let her back in with food and water. He responded with something like, “I didn’t know that” as I was walking back to my bed. Then he passed the bathroom in the hallway and came into the room where I was laying to use the bathroom in there. After he close the door to the back. He made a remark about how he doesn’t have to follow my rules. When he came out again calmly, I told him that I had woken up at 6 AM to let the puppy outside left her out there for an hour I tried to go back to sleep and then again woke up at 7:30 to let her inside and give her food and water. I said when I heard him put her outside I came to tell him that I had already done all of this and asked why that was a problem. He says that I lectured him and went on and on in detail about everything that I did to take care of the puppy. I objected and said I was just telling him what I did that I didn’t sign up for and that’s why that’s a problem. It escalated from there and he made some shitty remark as he walked away and now I was angry two and got to make myself some coffee. He made it like how was he supposed to know that she was doing all that when he was asleep but I was asleep too and I was much further away from her than he was and he kind a closed door and not even a minute after I had just finished doing all of this to take care of her he gets up and thinks he’s doing it and when I let him know but I had done it’s a problem and I’m lecturing him. He started talking over me not getting letting me get a sentence out and ignoring anything I was saying. I continued to calmly repeat the same sentence over and over again to which he just kept talking over me about how I’m so unreasonable and how I don’t listen and on and on about how horrible I am because he couldn’t stand to listen to what I was saying.

So I started doing it back. I started just talking about how I’m just going to talk and talk and not listen to anybody and talk about everything he says and go on and on and not hear anything and keep talking so I don’t have to listen to him and act just like he does and go on and on just like this. Well this pissed him off now I’m acting like him. It’s OK for him to treat people that way but not for people to do it to him. He turned the TV up so loud that I could not hear the coffee maker that was right in front of me. He was sitting in the recliner smiling because he was so proud of what an ass he was being and so I walked in front of him, between him and the TV. He went from smiling to giving me a threatening stare. When I started calling him out on his behavior, not yelling, he stood up and leaned forward shoulder first and pushed me away from him with his shoulder in my chest. I said wow you’re gonna rush me with your shoulder because you’re angry? I which point he got in my face yelling telling me that I was in his face and asking me if me if I wanted to go there. I said I wasn’t in your face like this I was standing in front of you. He moved and I walked away. He told me I was a cunt. Now I was furious and trembling. I told him that I was done along time ago because he was done and stopped trying and does exactly this; he gets angry and he gets physical and verbally abusive and that is never OK. I asked him if somebody was physical and verbally abusive with his daughter but whatever OK and if she should just not get mad.

I disengaged from the situation and I’m now sitting in my car to write this post and get it out of my system so I can move on in my day since it is only 8:30 in the morning on Saturday.

I’m going to put this out of my mind and focus on positive energy and raising my level of consciousness and focusing on good things.

It’s been too long


I’ve been doing a lot of work on raising my level of consciousness and vibration and I’ve been really struggling trying to avoid confrontation. It’s been a while since I’ve written a post to vent my feelings, maybe that’s part of it. I didn’t want to write a post because I was feeling like it would be putting attention on negative energy and in that case increasing the negative energy but I think when I write it down when it happens it’s easier for me to then release it without revisiting it in my mind over and over again.

Just because I haven’t written anything doesn’t mean nothing has happened. It’s been mostly words, names and/or actions to be controlling or to hurt my feelings. The last time he did something I didn’t even write a blog post I just did a private Snapchat video of myself because I was to shaken up that I couldn’t even write it down. He was flipping out in the garage going on and on talking to him self loudly and I crushing cans. I couldn’t hear everything he was saying but could make out some things. He was saying things like stupid bitch and why don’t you fucking…? He wouldn’t look at me or talk to me so I can only assume it was about me. I sent him a text after that asking him if I was who he was talking about and he never responded. He ignored that text like I never sent it.

There’s also been many times where we were going somewhere as a family and he didn’t want to be involved. Things like Magic Mountain, all the holidays that just passed, he didn’t come to any of my family functions. My parents just had their 50th wedding anniversary. My brothers and I put together the whole party and he didn’t contribute in anyway and didn’t even show up for the party. My mom has an annual family gathering after Christmas. He didn’t come to that either. Basically, anytime I have invited him to do anything with us, he didn’t go. Besides the name calling that continues here and there, mostly as a something he says as he’s passing me or in another room has continued. Those times when he’s talking to himself, so angry about this and that, seem to have gotten more frequent.

Like I said, I’ve been trying to ignore him and not write it down and put it behind me and focus on positive but there is a great tension release when I can write it down and have it documented and move on from it. So I can just try to live life every day without how he feels about me I feel determining how I feel about myself.

Red Flag #4


I have a thing about farting and burping around others. Probably just my ‘proper Catholic’ upbringing. My parents were very much that way. I’m pretty accepting and easygoing and am not like my parents in a lot of ways.

But this stuck with me. If you have to fart or burp, if you can’t excuse yourself or hide it, at least say, “excuse me.”

Especially farting. I know everyone does it but I also know that no one likes the smell of shit! Walk away, go to the bathroom, open a window or spray some air freshener.

Burping is whatever, as long as it’s not in my face. Both can even be funny occasionally. But again, just excuse yourself.

Well, he knows this about me. He knows I try and teach our kids this.

So what does he do? He burps and farts as much ass he can make himself. Especially when it’s silent. Especially when I’m not paying any attention. EVERY TIME he stands up or walks by, he will do one or the other.

It’s quite disgusting and immature and reminds me of a child being bad to get attention. But for someone who claims that he is a great husband… well.

I do not respond or even visibly acknowledge that I hear or notice. But, I can see out of the corner of my eye, him looking to see if it got a reaction from me this time.

I am the king! 👑


My son has taken interest in guitar. It started with a ukulele and then an acoustic guitar. He’s been playing those for a few months and is self taught. His musical skill impresses me; especially because I have none. Lol

I love when he comes out of his room just to sit with me and show off what he has learned. He’s always asking me, “what song is this?” It’s pretty comical how bad I am at recognizing songs, and it’s not at all a reflection of his talent.

Today, we were doing just this. We had gone down to the local guitar place that we’d never been to and I bought him some new picks. (sp?) We looked at some inexpensive electric guitars they had for sale as he’s been talking about how much he wants one. He’s especially interested in learned bass guitar. They also offer lessons there. It they’re kind of pricey. You get four 1/2 hour lessons a month for $90. Maybe that’s just my thriftiness showing through. He said he’d really like a bass guitar for Christmas but I told him, if he finds a decent used one that I can afford, he wouldn’t need to wait until Christmas. They had a brand new one there for $199. That’s a pretty good deal but a little above my price range. I told him that if he could get his dad to pay half, we could probably do it.

So, we’re sitting in the living room and he’s playing his guitar and ukulele when his dad got home. His dad walks passed us and does a little chuckle as he’s walking by us. There was nothing to laugh at. Then, he comes out of the bathroom a couple minutes later and goes in the kitchen. My son tells him, “Hey dad, you what I want? A bass guitar.” He was trying to get a dialogue going with his dad. He’s told me before, that is how he gets his dad to EVEN CONSIDER buying him something that he (his dad) is not really interested in as a hobby of his own.

His dad looks at him and says, “No.”

Then he looks over to me and says, “See how I did that?”, with a smirk on his face. Then he went back to going through his papers he has scattered around the counter.

I just ignored him. Grey rock. I was fuming inside.

Then he follows up by saying, “You know what I want?”

I couldn’t hold my tongue. I laughed and said, “Nothing? Because you buy everything you want?”

He ignored me and said, “Someone to clean up the dog poop.”

I could feel the heat rising up in me and caught myself and held my tongue. Grey rock.

Let me say, he does NOTHING around the house! If anything, he could AT LEAST take out the trash and clean up the dog poop. Heaven knows he doesn’t do anything but wash his own laundry. Which, I’ll add, is in a huge heap in our garage, by his own choosing! He barely ever even puts his dirty dishes in the sink, let alone rinse them off! Or hell, even throw his damn trash away! I don’t even GO IN that room because it makes me so angry!

I look over at my son and he hasn’t even moved since he last spoke. I can see the wheels turning in his mind as he stares off at nothing. I know what he’s feeling. I’ve been there. He’s blaming himself; he’s wondering what he said wrong; he’s asking himself if he asks for too much; he’s thinking he just blew his chance of getting that guitar before Christmas. It breaks my heart.

The only thing I could think to say was, “Well, I think it’d be cool if you had one.”

My husband then says, “You know what else I want? …someone to put a trash bag back in the trash can when they take the trash out.” To which I replied, “Oh, that was me.” My son said something like, “Ha! It wasn’t me.” His dad responded with, “Well just blame (our daughter) since she’s not in here.” (Like now he’s light hearted and joking around)

I wanted to yell so badly! I wanted to say one of the hundred responses I had running through my mind.

~”Because why would you have to do anything to help around here?!”

~”Way to crush a kids’ spirit!”


I can’t even remember everything I was thinking in that moment. It was all I could do to ignore it. Grey rock.

I’m going to talk to my son when his dad’s not around and ask what he was thinking when his dad responded like that. Try and make sure he’s not feeling like he said something wrong.

Oh, did you want that?


I considered filing this in the “Red Flag” category but decided it was just more of a given.

A Narc will buy them self what they know you want.

Yesterday, he showed off his brand new 9mm and 22. I have only ever wanted a 9mm. I have no guns of my own. Our kids each have a 22, he has a couple (few?) hunting rifles, his 45, and now a 22 and a 9mm. He even knew I wanted one and took my son to go look at buying me one for Christmas. He ended up not buying it, saying he didn’t think I’d use it. Saying if I needed, I could use his 45! (Knowing damn well that I can barely keep ahold of the thing.)

Our daughter is almost to driving age. A little over a year to go. She has always said that she wanted a Jeep. She’s not picky on specifics; she just would like a Jeep. I’m more the type that would give her my car and buy myself a new one. Either that or do like I did and help her buy some cheap old thing that can get her around safely until she can purchase a car for herself. What I wouldn’t do, is buy MYSELF a new Jeep.

But my Narc husband always has to have the best and won’t buy anything less. If you say you want the $20 alarm clock, he’ll buy you the $100 one. Sounds like a good thing doesn’t it? Not to me. To me, it feels like he’s saying he knows what is better for you more than you know yourself. That he knows more about than you, etc.

So, she’s said she’d love a Jeep but is not expecting one by any means. So what does he do? He talks about how he needs a new truck. How he’ll buy himself a new truck and just let her use it for school. I don’t know about you, but I’d be scared to drive my dads new truck being a new driver. She wasn’t to keen on the idea either. Then, he started talking about cool new Jeeps and showing her pictures on car sales sites and talking about which ones are cooler.

That’s as far as we are in that issue right now. Thought I’d better write it down to reflect on in a year or two.

When our son wants something expensive, his dad has been known to go buy it and then tell our son, “It’s mine but you can use it.”

Dinner time


So, the last post (always the good guy) was just the icing on the cake. It might sound like I am irritated with my kids but I’m not really. I am irritated when I see him doing to them what he has done to me, and I feel so stuck because if I ever try to point things like that out to my kids, they see it as me just putting their dad down because we don’t get along. That is completely understandable but I’m not sure what to do.

If I tell them what i see happening and they don’t, then it seems like I am just putting him down.

If I don’t tell them, I’m afraid they are blaming themselves or that they are adopting his ways without realizing it and see nothing wrong with it.

Let me explain about dinnertime. This could be a really long post if I go into too much detail so I’ll try to hold back. There came a point when I completely stopped trying to eat as a family at the dinner table. I got tired of clearing the crap off the table to eat. Most of which was my husbands. (I’m positive he’d deny that though.) When I did manage to clean it off, he’d always eat after us. We’d be about done when he’d finally get up to get his plate. Usually because he’d been playing video games. (In the same room.)

So, now we eat wherever. A lot of the time, none of us eat at the same time, let alone sit together. Many times I’ve made meals big enough for the four of us and ended up throwing most of it away because it didn’t get eaten. Sometimes, I’d ask my husband if he was going to eat because it had been sitting there so long and he’d say “I didn’t know it was ready” (when he is literally 10-15 feet away and in a direct line of sight from where I’m making it and where everyone is making their plates) or he’d say yes but then not eat for another length of time; at which point it had been sitting out too long to refrigerate imo.

I’ve never been the type to force my kids to eat what I make. If they decide they don’t want it, they’re on their own though. I’m not going to make everyone a separate meal. So, when I make food I ask who wants what I’m making and about how much.

That brings me to tonight.

When I asked my son if he wanted any he replied by telling me he didn’t want fish. But then proceeded to tell me he’d eat one or two when I was confirming that he didn’t want any. I then asked him if he’d want some Mac n cheese (which is filling on its own) to which he replied “I don’t care”. I asked if he’d eat it if I made it to which he again replied “I don’t care”. I asked for a yes or no and he got irritated and said yes and that he’d already told me I don’t care. I explained that I don’t care wasn’t a yes or no answer and that I was asking him specifically because I knew he didn’t want the fish. My Narc husband was sitting off to the side and smirking. I’m sure he was gloating inside at his son learning to talk to me that way from him. Gloating at how my son was getting frustrated because I am so difficult to communicate with.

When I asked my daughter, she said she’d eat 3 or 4. I figured 4 for myself and 4 for their dad. There were about 14 in the box so I only made the one box instead of two. I took my 4, my son went in the kitchen and grabbed a couple (I didn’t see how many) along with a comment like “oh, these freakin things” and my daughter came in to get hers but only grabbed 3, leaving 4 on the plate. She asked, “How many did you make? There’s only 4 left.”

I got so frustrated. I got up and looked and saw there was 4 left. Exactly what I had planned. I stated how many everyone had said they wanted and that was exactly how much I had made. I explained that I wasn’t going to make twice as many as that when everyone had been saying they really didn’t want many. She asked why I was so mad. I told her because I ask everyone how many they want and they act like they don’t even want it and then I’m asked why I didn’t make more.

All of this is going on, like I said earlier, about 10-15 feet away from their dad. About 15 minutes later, he goes in the kitchen and begins making something else. Steak for shish-kabobs that he had bought for camping while hunting. I said “You’re making something else?” He went on to say that he didn’t dare eat without knowing if everyone else ate already. HIS behavior is what trained our children to delay coming to eat dinner when it’s ready. He has come in before and eaten everything that’s left without asking if everyone has eaten. I said all it takes is asking THREE WORDS… “Has everybody eaten?” He looked at me like that was an insane concept.

I went back and told my daughter that he was making something else so if she wanted more fish, it was there at the moment. I came back and sat down and he turned around and went into her room. I don’t know what was said but that is when my daughter came out, gave me a kiss, and told me she loved me and then went into the kitchen and tried to have a conversation about hunting with her dad.

I don’t know what happened to the remaining fish except that someone ate it because when I went in there to wash the pan, they were gone.



Control. Power. Superiority.

That’s what withholding is about with a narcissist.

Most recent example.

We are renting through one of my high school friends. It’s nice because when there is a repair that needs to be done, it’s no hassle to do it. Narc husband is fairly skilled with household matters. Just because he can doesn’t always mean he will though. Either he does the repair or we call a service person, include the receipt with the rent check and deduct the amount from the payment. He has fixed a few things (i.e. The garage door springs and the front gate.)

About a month ago our dishwasher stopped working. From what I could tell by doing google and YouTube searches, the skill level was easy and it should cost less than $100 for the parts. I sent him the links that described how to check and fix the problem. He told me he didn’t have a multimeter so he couldn’t check. I waited a couple weeks to see if he was going to attempt to fix it. My parents had one and so I borrowed it when I had a chance to go to their house. It had been broken for about 3 weeks at that point.

One thing the searches told me was that I would need to shut off the circuit breaker before opening the dishwasher. When I went and looked I saw that none of the breakers are marked. So, before I could even start trying to see what was wrong with the dishwasher I was going to have my son help me and label the breakers. Or at the least, figure out which one went to the dishwasher.

I let my landlord know that it had stopped working and asked if there was a specific repair company I needed to call. She suggested that they used Sears and thanked me for handling it. After a couple days of contemplating if I was skilled enough or had the right tools or enough time to attempt the repair, I opted to call Sears.

The repairman came and it took less than an hour for him to diagnose and repair the problem. Turned out to be the wire harness. It was actually sparking and had melted the wires a bit. I definitely wouldn’t have attempted to touch that! Lol

It turned out to be $200 which included the $99 service fee. Not bad right?

When Narc husband came home, I showed him the melted wire harness and asked if he had a screwdriver that I could use to put the base back on the dishwasher. (I had asked the repairman to leave it off so that I could clean out underneath it and clean off the base plates.)

Narc husband asked why the guy didn’t put them back on (because I asked him not to so I could clean it). He makes a comment about me telling him to leave them off without having a screwdriver to put them back on with. I ask if he has a screwdriver that’ll work and show him the screws. He says, “no” which I know is not true. I tell him about talking to the landlord and how I put the receipt on the fridge and that it was $200. He makes a comment, “just so you know, a new dishwasher only costs about $400-$500” and tell him that I know that but it wasn’t my decision anyway. For some reason, this was all a problem for him. I could tell by the look on his face, his comments and unwillingness to help me with any of it or to say any kind word. I took a closer look and see that a Phillips will work. I ask if he knows where one is and he says, “not right now.” It was about 4:30 pm.

I dropped the subject and went on with the evening. He sat a played video games and was on his phone the rest of the night and then went to sleep. (He sleeps on the living room recliner btw. But that’s a whole other post!)

So, that was yesterday. Today, I decided to look a little harder for the right screwdriver. We have two garages full of his tools and hobbies. After a couple minutes I found a toolbox. I opened it and what do you know? Not only do I find a Phillips but also find another one that will fit the screws exactly. For anyone who doesn’t know, the screws are like hexagons on the top. The tool I found had an attachment like a socket wrench that fit exactly to these little screws. It took me about 5 minutes to reattach the screws and put the tools away.

Now, I’ll just be responsible for making sure the receipt is included with the rent check since that is his portion of responsibility in regards to paying bills. And I’m sure it’ll be an issue to get him to give me the $200 that I paid from my credit card.



Me: “We’re just having leftovers or whatever for dinner tonight. There’s chicken from last night in there.”

Narc: “The chicken from last night.”

Me: “Yah.”

Narc: “Where’d you get that chicken?”

Me: “Stater Bros.”

Narc: “What kind was it? It was really rubbery. I could barely pull it apart.”

Me: “It was fresh organic, thin cut chicken. ”

Narc: “Oh, I must have just got a bad piece.”

It was Chicken Marsala. Something that I’d only cooked twice. I usually get a big bag of frozen chicken to have on hand but I had bought fresh chicken because it was a dish I don’t normally cook. There was nothing rubbery about it.

Flying monkeys


So I guess this could technically go onto red flag but I just wanted to share how they (Narcs) can turn people into flying monkeys right in front of you.

So my previous post I mention how my husband sister and her family were over at our house last weekend.

Somehow the Muslim religion got brought up between my husband narc and his sister and her husband. While I was in the same room I was not part of the conversation. I’ve stated many times to him and my kids how the terrorist attacks by Muslims are extremists. Any religion or country or belief system is going to have extremists that push the boundaries and set a bad example. Whether you agree with this is beside the point. When the conversation was going on my narc husband stated something to the effect of, “People say that the terrorists attacking us were extremists but that’s not true; they’re all like that. That’s just stupidity. ” To which his sister responded something like, “Yeah it says right there in their book that they believe everyone else should die.”

Point 1- He meant that I say that and was saying my opinion was stupidity.

Point 2- He’s having others talk about my opinion in front of me without their knowledge.

Point 3- Neither one of them have read any part of the English translation. I know because I have and they are clearly only speculating from here-say and media


About 5 minutes later somehow the conversation got turned into one about drinking alcohol. I haven’t posted about this but let me tell you he’s been on beer drinking streak. To the point where a six pack will be gone in a day or two. To the point where I buy some weird ass flavored alcoholic beverage that I know he will not like and he will drink the very last one when he has other beer to drink. (His father died from alcoholism and he talks shit about people who drink beer every day all the time.) He goes out to his garage and takes a beer with him and comes back inside multiple times to get another beer. Yet, when he was having this conversation with his sister and her husband, he told them that he rarely drinks beer. That he had a pack of beer that he ended up throwing away because it was in our refrigerator for two years and that it went bad so he had to throw it away. This is such bullshit. I don’t know WTF he is talking about. He has made accusations to me in the past saying how he could see me becoming an alcoholic when I am the one who rarely drinks and when I do drink I rarely have more than one or two drinks.

I am the one who buys a six pack and it’ll last a month or more. Anyway he told them that and then also stated how the only time he likes to drink is when he is working on his car because of the metal taste he gets in his mouth- that the beer helps get rid of it. He forgot to state the fact that he’s been working on his car every freaking day for a couple months. But that’s not drinking a lot of beer. What the fuck ever dude.

I just glanced at him and smiled and kept my mouth shut instead of stating the obvious retort about what a lie that was.

I resorted to gray rock because all that would happen from me bringing up that it was a lie would that it would look like I was creating an argument or whatever to his sister and her husband. I don’t need to point out his lies, people will see it in time.

He was making an effort to create flying monkeys of them. That’s all it was and honestly they’re his family and she has stabbed me in the back before when I went to her for help. Instead of helping us, she twisted my words around and told him her twisted version of what I said. And that was enough for him to pack his shit and leave me and his two babies.

So I’m done trying to get others to see what he does. They’ll see when he does it to them.

McGregor vs Mayweather


So, last weekend when he invited his sister and her family over to watch the McGregor Mayweather fight on pay-per-view mind you I paid the TV bill. There is an option however on Xbox to watch pay-per-view via an app. Whenever anybody else is around you make sure to be extra happy and nice with them and completely ignore me and anything I say to him is an inconvenience and imposing on his conversation with the other people. I’m treated like a child who keeps saying, ” Daddy, daddy, daddy…” when he’s trying to have a conversation with the adults.

The event was due to start in less than 10 minutes and we had a house full of people with nothing to eat. The usual is pizza so I asked his sister and that’s what she suggested so I asked the narc, my husband, if that’s what he was planning on and he all but ignored me. Basically, she had to ask him what to order when I was putting the order in online. I was trying to get his attention and find out what he wanted me to order since the whole thing was their idea and I had could really care less whether we watch this fight or not. I don’t know how ordering food and picking it up became my responsibility. But I did because I wanted to eat and I knew my kids wanted to eat. When it came time to enter the payment information he was so irritated that I would even ask him and said he just give me cash. Then, proceeded to ignore me again. I got my purse and everything was ready to walk out the door and had to just stand there next to him until he decided to pay me enough attention to give me the cash to go pay for the pizza for this event that he invited everybody over for.

I probably sound a little salty and I am. I don’t mind having his family over I don’t mind watching sports events like this on TV but when I had nothing to do with the planning on it I don’t understand why any of it is my responsibility to take over on. I don’t understand why I have to do 20 questions to get an answer. If I knew he was paying the TV bill and we are watching something on pay-per-view, I would make sure that either I gave him the money for it or let him know that I wasn’t purchasing it on the TV and I was purchasing it on my Xbox. That’s just common courtesy. Why would someone even let the other person wonder about that and not explain to them or not ask them or just include them period.

I’ll tell you why. Because what are my options now? Because the purchase was made when I had left to go pick up the pizza for everybody and I don’t know if it was being viewed through the TV or Xbox; now I have to ask. No big deal, right?

I can guarantee it will be a big deal or at the least I will be made to seem like I’m assuming he’s going to take advantage of me. When really I’m just trying to make sure I have my bases covered. My brother-in-law and my husband we’re going to go halves on $100 pay-per-view event. I’ll be damned if I’m going to get stuck paying that hundred dollars for something that I didn’t even care if I watched. I know it’ll end up getting paid for but he’s going to make it so I have to ask for the money from him if it’s being purchased through the TV. And if it was being purchased through the Xbox then I’m going to be the bad guy for even asking if it was purchased on the TV.